Monday, November 27, 2017


sometimes quiet is just what we need.

and a little bit of twinkle lights.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

for maggie b.

Using fabric from Ink and Spindle, (where Gretta did her college internship) and a vintage Folkwear pattern, I stitched up a wee jacket for Maggie B. It's headed to Brooklyn today, where Maggie and her mama and papa are getting used to being a sweet, new family. We get frequent updates and all is well. xoxo

Yes, it's snowing again. :-)


Monday, November 13, 2017

quiet colors

Maybe you'd like to walk away from the world right now...and sidestep the clamor of technology and endless news cycle and wearying worry that nips at our heels. Our "bit of earth" is full of soft light, gentle edges and warm interiors right now. Pull on a virtual jacket and wander with me through the flurries. Or settle into one of the chairs by the stove and exhale deeply. I'll put the kettle on and find a few biscuits in the pantry. Let's just be together in companionable silence.

Peace, friends...

Saturday, November 11, 2017

tiwhll #5

As a person who is committed to non-violence, Veterans Day continues to challenge my heart. I found comfort and hope in this piece, broadcast on Vermont Public Radio yesterday...about veterans returning to Vermont after serving in combat overseas.  From the story, "Nearly 4,000 Vermont veterans have served in Iraq and Afghanistan since 9/11, and many are still dealing with the invisible wounds of the nation’s longest-running war. Some of them, however, have begun to find healing through farming." 

Healing through farming. 

You can listen to it here.  It's a quick listen, and well worth it. xo


(Photo taken in the tiny graveyard just up the road from us, at the Braintree Meeting House, with the Green Mountains in the background).

Friday, November 10, 2017

tiwhll #4

another margretta has arrived in the world.
(7th generation)
three weeks early by necessity,
but all is well.

we met her in nyc on wednesday
(along with auntie hannah)
and of course we are smitten.


(this is what hope looks like, version 4). 

and we woke up to our first dusting of snow of the season 
here at our "bit of earth".


Monday, November 6, 2017

any small, calm thing...

Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world
all at once, but of stretching out to meet the part
of the world that is within our reach. Any small,
calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul,
to assist some portion of this poor suffering world,
will help immensely.

-Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Dia de los Muertos, Vermont style

Finally opened the box labeled
"Dia de los Muertos"
that's been stored in the basement closet
 since the renovations.

There's room for more,
our sweet Henry cat
still needs to be remembered...

The veil has been thinning 
these past few days.
I have felt my beloveds,
gathering around and 
reminding me of their love.

Especially Abi Tim.

May you find comfort in 
remembering your loved ones as well.
