Thursday, December 28, 2017


perhaps you would like to read along with me?
Mary Oliver's Devotions

(read about this gem here.)

Devotions is part of my 2018 survival kit.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

sewing gifts

 a birthday bucket for my friend ellen, 
stitched with a free tutorial by vermonter "film in the fridge" here.
(using robert kaufman's essex linen and a fat quarter of gifted calico). 
 needle cases for lindsey and gretta,
stitched with scraps.
(birch from ink and spindle, leftover from this project). 
 do you see little leftover bits from this project on 
the inside cover of the lower needle case?
 this little "tummy time" quilt went to maggie in brooklyn.
stitched with fabric i found at gather here in cambridge,
i used anna graham's pattern from her book handmade style.
it went together like a dream.
this morning, i mended the two pocket linings on a jacket
that hannah had brought with her to vermont.
she wore it in high school, and now she is 30.
#wearitwell #makeitlast #thrifty #buyquality #persist

our holiday gathering here at "a bit of earth"
was very small and quiet and snowy.
puzzles, baking, wood fired pizza,
love actually (of course) and good food and wine filled our days.

hope your days were merry and bright.


Saturday, December 23, 2017

snowed in

hunkered in at our 'bit of earth"
with no where else to be.


Friday, December 22, 2017

triptych 42

sunrise on the solstice
solstice supper table set for friends.
solstice sunset.

i've been revisiting 
Winter Morning Walks
one hundred postcards to Jim Harrison
written by Ted Kooser.

"december 21" is exquisite.

sending you Light and calm today, friends.
they are both available anytime you need them...
in a deep cleansing breath.


Monday, December 18, 2017


Erin Elizabeth Potts 
left this world eight years ago today.

Only eighteen years old,
Ewing's Sarcoma robbed the world of her Light.

Erin loved snow and I do believe
Mother Nature is honoring her memory today,
with a steady, soft and magical snowfall.

Rest in peace, dearest one.
We will not forget you.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

bit by bit

We've been a bit snowed in and our internet connection has gone haywire this past week. So sorry I've not been here as promised. 

I'm remembering the shocking tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT five years ago today. A short two towns away from our old home in CT,  we could feel the pain from Newtown in the air. 

And since that day there has been more senseless gun violence, all over this country.  The subsequent "thoughts and prayers", temporary outrage and posturing has felt all too hollow...time after time.

How do we respond as ordinary citizens to these dreadful events?  

There are organizations to join, letters to write and marches to participate in. There are trainings to go to, reading to be done and community networking to happen. (Our chaplaincy group is working on emergency preparedness. I'm trying to release the knot in my stomach. None of this is easy).

And there is outreach to the survivors. The folks who are haunted by what they have witnessed and experienced, the folks who must pick themselves up and carry on.

There are some very simple ways to "contribute to positive change...and shake off the overwhelm and discouragement". Here are two examples...

ONE...Lori (of Gratitude Quilts) left this comment here on sew and sow life last week:
 "Let me tell you about a local (Hopewell, NJ) activity that may interest you. In memory of the Newtown children, a local organization chooses a school in Trenton and asks people to buy books for the school. On that sad day in December, these kind people bring boxes of books to the school. The goal is to increase the size of the school library and also to send each child home with their own book. Isn't that beautiful?"

TWO...Our own Vermont Modern Quilt Guild is taking up the invitation put out by the Las Vegas Modern Quilt Guild to stitch quilts for victims and first responders involved in the mass shooting that occurred on October 1st of this year, when 58 people were killed and 546 people were wounded. Here is the quilt top, put together by members of our guild at a "sew in" on Sunday afternoon (with thanks to the guild for the photo I found on Instagram this morning). 

Honestly, I'm not sure what a quilt will do to stop senseless gun violence in this country, but I hope these quilts, stitched with love and intention by folks scattered all across this nation will bring comfort to those who have been touched by it. That little square with white polka dots on teal...that little bit of cheer stitched here at our bit of earth is part of something bigger. It's been sewn together with squares made by my quilt guild buddies here in Vermont and it will be sandwiched with batting and a backing and quilted with love. It will be boxed up and sent many miles across the Mississippi River, the plains and the desert.  The box will be opened in Las Vegas and given to someone we will never meet. Perhaps it will bring some small comfort to someone who has endured what no one should have to endure. 

And that, my friends, is how we will change the world. Bit by bit. With love, light and hope and PERSISTENCE.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

beauty and light

please don't underestimate the power of simple beauty
to lift spirits and support courage.

and light, too.

flowering bulbs on the windowsill
twinkle lights
fragrant wreaths of evergreens
the milky way
juncoes in the snow
a string of cranberries
lanterns held high
a star of wonder
a bowl of clementines.

what would you add, dear readers?

Monday, December 4, 2017

a piece of my mind

Dearest friends,

Our tree cutting gathering was a lovely success, with old and new friends coming and going in the driveway. Folks overlapped and munched cookies and drank hot cider and swapped stories. Money was raised for the Vermont Land Trust. And for a few hours we all ignored what is going on in the outside world.

Blessed relief.

But now it is Monday and I'd like to share some more serious thoughts with you, dear readers. We all have different coping skills and strategies for dealing with life's challenges. I'm one who can sit with complaint and grumbles for only so long. Then I remember that if I am not part of the solution I'm part of the problem. 

So, I've been keeping an eye out for ways to contribute to positive change in this day and age. I've been acting locally because I cannot bear to think globally. It is too dang overwhelming these days.  

And here's the really cool thing...once I started looking closer for ways to be of use I've been finding them in so many places! And this makes me feel hopeful! Some are very tiny, doable things...some are bigger, scarier things...but the list gets longer and more engaging as I keep looking.

Some of it has to do with simply finding kindred spirits. I'm growing my circle of friends here in rural Vermont and also out in the wider world of the interconnected internet. There are farmers, crafters, poets, musicians, activists and writers all over Instagram that offer a peek into their hopes and projects and creativity. A few intrepid bloggers are still writing.

There are great books to read, podcasts to listen to, volunteer work to tackle. There are conversations to have, the kind where people actually listen to one another and try to understand the other person's heart. There are deep breaths to take and windowsill gardens to grow and walks to take and food pantries to gift to. There's angry snail mail to write and lovely notes as well. There are days when self care is important, when resting and withdrawing may be the most pro-active thing we can do. 

Anyhow...I'm going to try to post here nearly every day in December. I'll share bits of my journey as I try to shake off the overwhelm and the discouragement. Because I cannot bear to let the greed and corruption win. At least not without putting up a damn good fight.

I sure do hope you will pop by and leave comments often. I would love your feedback and hear about ways you may have found to #persist. We are stronger together than we are alone, friends.


Saturday, December 2, 2017

december 2, 2017

Oh friends, the news has been so heavy...I have not had much to say over here. Last night's tax overhaul has made me nauseous, maybe you too?  We are headed for grim times unless we all stand up and roar. (I'm working on that. Let's talk about it next week, shall we?)

But today, Batman and I are prepping our "bit of earth" for our friends and family weekend. We've put up some modest decorations and cleaned the house and baked some goodies. Tomorrow, folks are coming by between 1:00PM and sunset to cut a Solstice/Christmas/Celebratory tree here, and we are asking for a donation to the Vermont Land Trust in return. (We have giant trees and tiny trees and lots of sizes in between. ) It is a small something that we can do to bring light and hope to our neck of the woods.

Light and hope.
