Tuesday, May 29, 2018

tula tuesday::week 20

 block number 37.
(I used these fabrics last spring for a pin cushion).
 inspired by pussy willows photographed a few weeks back.
and block number 80,
inspired by all the crabapples blooming around here...
in our yard and out in the fields and woods.

these squares will be part of the
"bit of earth" quilt.

blocks are from tula pink's book
City Sampler.

check back on thursday to read about our
open studios/251 club trip...

Monday, May 21, 2018

tula tuesday::week 19

 block number 94
 block number 12
block number 95

all three blocks from tula pink's City Sampler,
inspired by illustrations from lizi boyd's children's book

working ahead of schedule,
because it's fun.

and because maggie is coming to vermont in july. 

Thursday, May 17, 2018

adventure time

My brother Doug and I made an epic trip, with my Mumsie in tow, out to Portland OR, to visit our youngest brother, Nelson. Visiting Nelson's home and gardens in the industrial section of Portland has been on Mumsie's bucket list. We went up and over St. Johns Bridge (of Wildwood fame) many times on our adventures.
We spent time at Sauvie Island Wildlife Area, spotting all sorts of birds, (thanks Doug, for your encyclopedic knowledge) including nesting osprey. We soaked in the lush, green beauty at Hoyt Arboretum,  (coming from spring starved New England!). We ate fabulous food and visited with dear friends.

But the highlight of the trip was an afternoon at the Portland Museum of Art, where we viewed Animating Life, an exhibit showing the work of Laika Studios.
Here are tiny bits of costumes from Kubo and the Two Strings.
These trees, made of corrugated cardboard, were crafted when the film was just at the imagining stage. (I was reminded of the days when we would sit at our dining room table as kids, up to our armpits in glue and scissors and crayons.)
Here, Nelson chats with my Mumsie about a set from ParaNorman.
And here he is with the giant skeleton, which is 12 feet tall.

Seeing the exhibit was especially wonderful because we were able to wander around on a day when the museum was closed to the public. (Attendance for this exhibit has smashed the records kept at the museum.)  

I remain in awe of my brother's vision, creativity and hard work.

Back at Nelson's place, we often sat on his deck, with a view of both Mt Hood and Mt St Helen's. We watched ships and boats and paddlers go up and down the Willamette River. Scrub-jays would scold us until we set nuts out on the railing for them to steal. Some of us watched the sunrise with a mug of coffee, some watched the sunset with a glass of wine, some did both! 

What a treat it was to have a few days with my Mumsie, and brothers Doug and Nelson. Big thanks go out to my Mumsie's travel arrangement generosity and Nelson's warm hospitality. xo

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

tula tuesday::week 18

block #21 in tula pink's City Sampler.
inspired by lizi boyd's I Wrote You a Note.

(i have stitched block #21 before, here.
in the midst of this year long project,
i've decided to make two different quilts...)

i missed last week's tula tuesday
because i was away, and did not post ahead of time.

check back on thursday to see
where i went and what i saw.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

4 years

two inches of fresh snow on monday morning
and now 83 sunshiney degrees.

current events in d.c. have been exhausting me.
how about you?

i have found sanctuary here...

-mending out on the deck.
-walking on the road.
-listening to junot diaz, "radical hope is our best weapon",  here.
-bbc news. it's about the whole world. imagine that.
-a meditative mug of tea.
-hanging laundry on the line in the sunshine.
-deep breathing.
-time with wilma.
-listening to music.

-celebrating 4 years as full time vermonters.

(did you see what i did there? i saved the best for last!)

are you able to find sanctuary in the ordinary, everyday moments, friends? 
i sure do hope so, 'cause these are indeed very trying times.
sending you a virtual hug.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

tula tuesday:: week 17

 block #92 in tula pink's City Sampler,
stitched with a very special bit of japanese turnip fabric.
inspired by another illustration from lizi boyd's
children's book I Wrote You a Note.

i've decided to make two quilts from these "tula tuesday" squares...
one stitched with the lizi boyd blocks.
(it will be a grandma quilt, to stay here at our place,
for any visiting wee ones). 

and one stitched with the blocks inspired by
 a year in the life at our "bit of earth".