Thursday, December 17, 2020

Narnia and sachets and good listens


I've got another post up at my new place.

You can read it here

I hope to have a "subscribe" opportunity at soon.


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

new beginnings


hello friends!

check out my brand spanking new website, here.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

triptych #50


It's been quiet here in this space. Resting, learning, reading, trying new things, healing a bit, too. Late autumn, early winter here in Vermont has us drawing closer to the center of things, hunkering in, moving things around to make life more cozy.

I've been working on creating a new space for my online ramblings. A few workshops and some good advice have helped me craft my next steps in life. Things are taking shape slowly and it's so lovely not to be in a rush to get things done.

Holding all of you, my friends, in this space of hope and renewal and patience.
