Friday, April 3, 2009


Gratitude is heaven itself.
-William Blake

This is a picture of our three girls, probably about 3 or 4 years ago. I love this picture. It is who they really are. Still.

And this morning I found an email from Lindsey (on the right) with information about a family gmail account she had set up. To keep our far-flung family better in touch. With a family calendar and other options to share. I am so glad she and her sister Hannah got this organized. 

There is a responsive reading by Antoine de St-Exuperey in our hymnal, and one of my favorite lines (of all time) is

Love, like a carefully loaded ship,
crosses the gulf
between the generations.

(and later,)

We live, not by things,
but by the meaning of things.
It is needful to transmit the passwords
from generation to generation.

To Stewart and our daughter-in-law Dawn, Lindsey, Hannah and Gretta....I say namaste.


1 comment:

  1. Lovely picture of your girls! and the quotation from St Exupery is very tender and thought provoking.
