Saturday, June 13, 2009


Last night, after work, Lindsey drove down from Boston.
Two guitars and the harmony of three sister voices
 filled the late night kitchen.
Then there was giggling behind closed doors.
It was a day of so many "lasts".
Such high spirits and hope.
Godspeed to the Great Class of 2009.
And the light that Gretta is taking out into the world is burning,
 oh so brightly.
Graduation lunch.
Big brother Stewart just called from Oregon.
To congratulate Gretta and wish Lindsey a happy 25th birthday.
Chard pie for birthday dinner
and cake and ice cream.

Thank you, thank you, thank you
I say to the great wonder of life.


  1. i read your comment over on a friend to knit with's blog. how sad to have the last day of school. ever. i can't imagine how you are feeling! (if you ever need any childhood chatter, i have a few little ones i could loan you sometime, LOL!)

  2. bittersweet! how nice to have family close. best wishes to the grad! and hugs to a mom. :)

  3. Gretta unleashed! We really do need to savor every second, don't we? Congratulations to you all.

  4. ¥our blog is becoming part of my spiritual life. :-)

  5. Karen, i hope that you will discover that "empty nest" is not really empty...your kids seem very willing to come home for family celebrations, meanwhile they are growing into the wonderful adults who you set on their life's path. And with Mom's taxi being retired for a while, you will have more time to do some things for yourself that may have been on the back burner or that you haven't had enough time for.

    I have great sympathy for you and other friends who are experiencing the fledging of their youngest nestlings, even though it's nothing i've lived myself...i still remember how i couldn't WAIT to graduate and get on to college and the next phase of my life! I spent most of the summer before college working on a dig and then at home having my wisdom teeth extracted. I sure needed my mother's care for that, and appreciated it...but i couldn't wait to get going! I'm sorry to say, i never really considered whether she felt sad that i was leaving home or not. I do know that we became much better friends once i was gone, had to make decisions on my own, and was able to seek out her advice and concern voluntarily! (I was the oldest, in case you can't tell....)

    Love and blessings to you all.

  6. Congratulations to Gretta, and to the wonderful parents who set her on such a purposeful and brilliant journey. I know how poignant this time is, Karen, but I have a feeling your empty nest will give you wings, also, as you chart new adventures in your own life.
    Best wishes to you and your family.

  7. Such lovely support and affirmations from each of you, while I am feeling so tender. Thank you all. xoxoxK-
