Thursday, June 11, 2009

feeling the shifting...

The hardest of a parent's task is
to know when the task is done.
-Diana L. Paxson


  1. I don't believe it's ever done. You will always be needed for your love, support and wisdom, on your child's terms, not yours.
    This quilt is amazing, Karen!

  2. What a stunning quilt, Karen! (and one I've heard it is hard to know when it's done as well!) I loved the quote and it resonates here as well. Are you enjoying looking at lots of "school daze" pictures at your house also? that is such a precious part of this time - the reflection.

  3. According to my parents, the task is never done...i will always be their child. However, when my mother developed Alzheimer's, the roles reversed. I love that NY Beauty wall quilt...gorgeous colors and very nice quilting!
