Monday, October 19, 2009

portable project

OK, OK, so I just couldn't resist the 30% off price.
I bought Knitting for Peace.
Just in time for a plea for baby hats
 from an Orange County, VT agency that helps new families.
And after all, I will be traveling this week
and sitting in meetings.
I will need a portable project, right?

And those muttons are for my Mumsie.
Yes, one is longer than the other.
I've done that before. 
They're homemade!

Have no fear of perfection-
you'll never reach it.
-Salvadore Dali

Happy Monday.


  1. I saw that book somewhere and immediately thought of you, Karen! Portable projects are definitely a way to maintain sanity and concentration during long meetings!

  2. I haven't knitted (?) anything for 40 years!! (that scared me when I wrote it!) Seems like a very quiet and calming way to keep hands busy while the mind is on something else! And with beautiful results!

  3. Autumn and Winter-good times to snuggle up and knit!

  4. Great idea -- and I love the Dali quote. I think I'm going to have to post that on my studio wall. What a relief! :)
