Tuesday, November 3, 2009

AEDM:day three, part 2

my atc's
(cotton and silk fabrics, beads, paper, cording, rayon thread)
my mumsie's atc's 
judy's atc's
(fabric and chenille cord)

my mumsie,
sister-in-law ra,
aunt margretta
and i
had the best afternoon ever.
great lunch, artist trading cards, 
show and tell that was full of ooohs and ahhhs.

after ra and margretta left, 
it was time for computer tutorials with my mumsie.
then a lovely dinner out, (a treat from bill, judy's husband)
more chatting and early to bed.

more tomorrow!


  1. It WAS so fun, and inspiring too!
    We'll see what we can come up with for tomorrow!
    Great idea, Karen!

  2. What a great collection of ATC's! So many different takes on the same idea.

  3. Your ATCs are wonderful...so classy. I love the colors!

  4. P.S. I love all of the ATCs from all of you!

  5. thank you all. ATC's are such a fun way to try things and see what others are doing.
