Wednesday, March 17, 2010

this and that

i've been playing in my studio
with textures and colors.

some fun places to wander today...
  • a lovely blessing
  • and a toast (my copy of the thimble garden just "sewandsow" don't you think?)
  • today's poem.
  • and another good one.
  • a surprise in the mail from my son, stewart. he's a keeper, that one.
and gretta is home for a few days. for appointments, visiting, tech support for her marmie and some adventures. can you sense my smile? :-)

we have quite the spring gurgling up in our yard, and streaming down the banking. i'm guessing it's because the water table is so very high after all the rain we got this weekend. a very magical spot for little kids to play with sticks and wee boats...but we don't have any of those anymore...


  1. I wandered. Thank you for sharing! Love the thimbles. And Trust! Yeah, keep Stewart too :)
    How many years ago did you give me the bunny?
    Still snorting about the shamrock wreath!

    missing you fiercely reed
    xo potts

  2. Lovely links, Karen, and so happy you have Gretta there with you. How wonderful to spend time with our grown children. Looks like you are creating some wonderful things!
