Thursday, April 1, 2010

a spring spring

here's the little spring, bubbling up in our yard.
it's right at the base of this lilac,
look at the stream it has produced.
the waterfall at the neighbor's and
 the stream that runs under our driveway
are gushing.
what a wild time we've had!

If there is magic on this planet,
it is contained in water.
-Loren Eiseley

and thanks for all the kind and gentle comments yesterday.

p.s. wishing you a foolish day!


  1. We found a few "springs" popping up in our back field yesterday too... and a snack path (eeek!). Isn't it fun to explore sping? BTW The picture of the birch trees on your sidebar is so beautiful.

  2. Hannah tried to convince me late last night that she got her lip pierced. Foolish girl!

  3. magic in I like that thought....
