Tuesday, November 9, 2010

playing with the moon and imagining...

many moons
starry moon
spiral moon

Thank you all for your studio love. As I've been working in here this afternoon, I've imagined each of climbing the back steps and knocking on the side door. Some of you I know and we hug as you tumble in out of the chilly November afternoon. With others, introductions are in order. We hang up coats and gather chairs from the dining room to expand the circle in here. The tea is brewing and the cranberry orange muffins are just about ready to come out of the oven. Some of us are knitting, some are doing hand sewing or quilting. Others have just come for the company. The sunshine is slanting in the windows in that gentle autumn way. Henry has just slunk in and is settling into his bed under the sewing machine table. There is a lot of laughter, maybe even some guffaws. We are sharing photos, stories, plans and aspirations. The hum quiets, there may even be a few sighs...then the chatter begins again. 

Wouldn't it be fun? 

Instead we'll settle for our long distance blog community, eh? Sending you all a cyber hug.


  1. Sounds fantastic! I'm so lucky, I actually have that experience every week with friends her. And next week - with YOU!! Can't wait!

  2. Sounds lovely. Maybe someday .... you're welcome here, too!

  3. oh true true...
    it would be so nice

  4. What a heartwarming thought!
    A coincidence, I just finished a painting of the moon and was so surprised to see you are too with fabric!

  5. ooh, love that description! I am SWOONING like MAD over these moooooooooooons!!!!!!

  6. that sounds divine! I can almost taste the muffins:) I can't wait to see what you are going to do with the moons!
