Wednesday, December 29, 2010

HOLIDAY MAGIC...hunkered in

gretta and lindsey on the way back up the hill...
after a toboggan run through the meadow.

Our "bit of earth" has been a nest of coziness and rest, with some folks recovering from colds and overall  weariness. No alarm clocks, no appointments and no schedule. So we've soaked up everything the season has to offer...
  • baking, baking and more baking in our funky little kitchen, and more baking.
  • enjoying thoughtful, handmade gifts.
  • snow, wind, more snow and flurries...from the window, and outside to play.
  • a long, snowy drive to spend an afternoon with dear friends, and a long, snowy drive home.
  • catching up with family, in person and on the phone (missed you stew and dawn).
  • napping, and lots of it.
  • a girls' trip to king arthur flour in norwich. wicked fun.
  • reading.
  • watching movies, old favorites and some new ones. ("flipped" is a cute one).
  • (a nice break from the internet)
What have all of you been up to?


  1. Gosh, that sounds lovely. Perfect really.
    Thanks for sharing. I love how you ask about us. I was thrilled to have Monday off because of the snow and I actually made a card. Big deal for me as I've been avoiding any kind of art play like the plague. Felt wonderful. Back to work now and buried in books. But there are worse things to be buried in.

  2. That sounds like bliss:) I've been having a lazy week, just puttering about, IKEA run with the husband, visiting with family. Now I'm watching the wind blow really hard, and thinking I'd better go run my errands before the storm arrives!

  3. Tending sick dog, sicker husband and shoveling SNOW!

  4. sounds and looks like heaven to me!
    I have been and more cleaning!

  5. hmm... hunkering
    reading, baking, sledding, napping
    so much good stuff!
    i think i'll head for the couch with a cup of hot chocolate and a book
    a nap will most likely follow
    yep... hunkering here too

  6. This should be all the time, no? Glad you are enjoying the beauty around you.

  7. What an awesome photo! Glad you are enjoying your cozy home, Karen. Hope everyone is feeling better.
    We've been traveling, but now we are enjoying being back with the kitties!
