Wednesday, January 26, 2011


developing a brand
  1. according to vermont public radio, this is "the year of making things".
  2. i have a fabulous new studio.
  3. i've been working hard with what i learned in jane davila's online class last spring.
  4. i'm lucky that our four kids and my husband are my biggest fans, and they just don't let up.
can you tell that i am on an adventure?


  1. Oooooo! I've been waiting to see a quilt with your beautiful birches - they have been calling out to me since you first posted a photo of the lovely bunch. Can't wait to see more!

  2. Apparently youngest children are generally very stubborn. I wonder if this has anything to do with my insistence that you follow your dreams? Or maybe just cause you're awesome and you deserve it...

  3. You GO girlfriend!
    I'm all eyes here, watching what evolves from your creatively brilliant mind.

  4. Good morning! Nice to seem some green today. Mama's "lao ma," or grandmother believed you needed to see some green everyday to rest your mind. So when she lived one year in NYC (from her home in the Chinese immigrant community of Bangkok), seeing real snow for the first time, they put green carpet in her bedroom.

  5. ooo those birch trunks got me very curious..and yeah, I am excited ..can't wait to see what journey it is!

  6. Your work has made me ponder recently the perhaps useless distinction between craft and art.

  7. karen, adventures are awesome...enjoy yours to the hilt (but excaliber is mine...) xo, tqoe

  8. So excited for you, Karen!!
    Wishing you great success, and count me among your fans!!

  9. Can I be a biggest fan too? So excited for you!
