Sunday, April 17, 2011

notecard giveaway winner

the winner of the "celebrating the ordinary" notecard set is
sara, of "the curriculum of love" blog.
please send me your snail mail address, so i can get 
the cards to you right away (my email address is in the sidebar).
if you didn't win today, do not despair.
there will be other giveaways down the road...
here's a sneak peek at a whimsical bag 
i'll be listing in my etsy shop tomorrow.
there IS a new set of napkins available... 

if you missed yesterday's post,
you might really like it.
it's about friendship and courage and love.


  1. Congratulations, Sara!!
    Hmmm Karen, this bag looks like it will be very interesting!!

  2. Love the colors I am seeing here...... I think I see radishes too..... quite lovely! Took a quick peak at you Etsy shop..... some lovely things there.... the bird seed handle bag is awesome!
