Thursday, May 26, 2011

giveaway winner and new handwork project

Henry and I sat on the screened porch this morning, and he helped me randomly select the sew, mama, sew giveaway winner. The winner is...JUST JINGLE, a really fun and inspiring blog, and I am delighted to have found it via this giveaway. Crafting in Worcester, MA, the author shares tutorials, links and fun peeks into her process.  Go on over and see for yourself.

And, oh, lucky me...I'm a winner, too! I've followed Pomona's blog from the very beginning. I feel like she's a kindred spirit, despite the ocean between us. I'm looking forward to finding her parcel in my mailbox! Thank-you Pomona!

It's been fun to explore so many new blogs these past few days. Thanks again to the folks at sew, mama. sew for organizing this huge adventure! And thanks to all who popped by here and left kind comments.

I've organized a small handwork project to keep me busy while my friend is away. Small and portable, it will be perfect for the upcoming long weekend. Can you guess what it might be?


  1. WOW!!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!!! I'm super excited!

  2. Lucky girls! Are those sock monkeys I see on that cute fabric?
