Thursday, June 16, 2011


dew spangled spider lace...
...could be fairy trampolines.

last night the meadow was sparkling with
lightning bugs.

mother nature is rehearsing for the summer solstice. 

pop on over to gretta's blog for some more fun. 


  1. My daughter and I used always to call them fairy hammocks - we used to spot them in the morning on the way up the lane to school. You have just conjured up that memory for me - I had quite forgotten, as no longer do I stroll up our lane to the village school, they are all long beyond that.

    Pomona x

  2. "Fairy trampolines." I love it! New England is the place to be this month ; )

  3. Love the photos and your words, Karen!
    You are a poet!

  4. Oh, Vermont in June. I miss it. And the solstice in Vermont. Although, 21 June in Paris is pretty great too. It's light until after 11 pm and it's also a big free music festival all around the city and suburbs, with different acts playing everywhere. Such fun.
