Tuesday, August 16, 2011


packing up the harvest in a cooler,
stripping the beds and collecting towels,
sweeping and tidying.
closing up.

there have been so many really good visits up here
at our "bit of earth" this summer...
folks we don't see often enough,
beloved family and old and new friends.
fine memories have been spun.

and i've enjoyed the gift of solitude, too.
time to read, dream, garden and reacquaint myself with myself.
my batteries have been recharged.

it's time to drive south, back to the "real"world.
life there will be filled with new challenges, aspirations and
hard work to do.

having this oasis to drink from every now and then will
balance us as we navigate the "to do"lists in CT.

but still, as i drive out the driveway, past the stand of birches,
and take one last glance across our meadow at our
mountain view, my throat will tighten 
and my eyes will tear and i'll take a few deep,
cleansing breathes and smile,
because i have a vision of what the future holds.

and it is powerful.


  1. I love your descriptions of your "bit of earth". I feel as if I've been right there with you experiencing it:)

  2. thank you for sharing your vision with us
    someday I'm gonna get there!

  3. Oh Karen, I can understand your wistfulness. Your "bit of earth" is magical.

  4. A lovely post - I love the combination of looking forward and back.

    Pomona x

  5. Wonderful post, Karen. Such a beautiful place - I know you hold it close in your heart wherever you are.

  6. So much inspiration in the text and photograph. I like how you hold a vision, a one-pointed focus, on what the future holds. The breaths connect you to this wonderful precious life and the journey that is always in the present.

    The photograph you include reminds me of the one place at my hermitage that means I have arrived. For me, it is both "leave-taking" and arriving.

  7. Whenever I have to drive away from a place I love I try to remember the only thing between me and it is a simple road whose winding path I can retrace, even if it's only in my mind.
