Monday, August 8, 2011

turning my back on the news headlines

Let yourself be silently drawn
by the stronger pull
of what you really love.
(can you spot the goldfinch?)

You've heard it said there's a window that opens
from one mind to another.

But if there's no wall, there's no need 
for fitting the window, or the latch.


  1. I have that quote from Rumi
    on a locket
    I just love it
    and yes, I see that sweet little goldfinch
    sometimes we need to see the goldfinch

  2. I see it!
    I've been pouring over Rumi since my retreat. He's my secret love, lol, don't tell J...

  3. I stopped paying attention to the news last winter and we listen to chants instead. If something really major happens of course I hear about it (and want to be informed) but when my brother was visiting I couldn't believe the kind of violent, morbid, terrifying stories he was talking about. At this point I feel it's more important to stay informed about what's going on inside myself than on the overwhelming details from outside myself. We're being pulled away from hearing our truth by the constant chatter of news.

  4. I agree about turning away - I don't read the papers or watch TV. I listen to BBC radio 4 so that I am not ignorant, but I think keeping a distance is a way of preserving my sanity.

    On another matter, I gave my brother in law your wonderful cat feet card for his birthday yesterday - he is not normally at all bothered about such things, but he was so taken with the card! It really scored a hit with all the family - I was so pleased, and gave you all credit!

    Pomona x

  5. I agree, switch off from the doom and gloom and find beauty in the world outside your back door.

  6. I watch the news once a day and, yes, there are certainly many sad and upsetting things going on in the world. But I try to keep in mind that there are also many good and wonderful and uplifting things too. I guess I try to look at the whole picture.
    The view at your Bit of Earth is amazing and that goldfinch looks like he is enjoying it! Beautiful!

  7. Love your new header! So pretty.

    I tend to stay away from the news a lot of the time. Maybe that's bad, but sometimes I think it's necessary.

    Gorgeous photos (and I totally need to make some sun tea!).
