Monday, November 14, 2011

clarity in work

Funny how the simple
chore of washing a few
helped make
more clear.


  1. ooo, I love clean windows!!! Now that you reminded me I'll have to get busy!! lol

  2. There is no other house task that pays you back such dividends. Thanks for the nudge. Enjoy.

  3. Ooo, I did this last week. For six hours. I've been dying to really scrub our windows since we moved in last December and I'm embarrassed that it took me this long. I couldn't lift my arms over my head for days afterward. I don't think some of these windows had been cleaned in decades. A few I had to scrub with glasstop stove cleaner before using a spray window cleaner, just to try to get the etched on crud off. The difference is HUGE. I also took out all the screens but will put off scrubbing those until spring when they need to go back in. I smile every time I look out a window now. :)

  4. I love clean windows.... ours are not so easy to clean all the way around. So looking forward to new ones someday!

    Love your photos!
