Monday, January 28, 2013

second guessing

freshly painted rooms stage well for the real estate market.
so we are choosing colors again.
i know that neutral is best.
we have a lot of neutral already.
but i think too much neutral is boring,
so now i am channeling
i have chosen colors of the sea...
grays and blues and greens.

soft neutrals, colors of the sea,
crisp white woodwork and maple cabinets...
maybe the calm will lure folks right into 
our web of dreams come true.
both for them and for us.

it's a renewable resource.


  1. These colours are just perfect!
    Hope... my motto for 2013. I'll send some your way!


  2. We are on the other side of this, trying to decide how to bring color into a house that was painted 100%neutral beige before we bought it. I think these colors will look great with the maple floors/cabinets and white trim. I especially like the Wedgewood Gray.

  3. Sarah plain and tall, what a wonderful book.
    Your colors are indeed of the sea, reminding me of sea glass. Surely they will whisper calm, peace, comfort to any who consider nesting there.

  4. i'm all for wythe blue. and sarah plain and tall. and for lots of hope. even if you don't paint, the karma of your home will embrace the newcomers and keep them well-nested and comforted. namaste. tqoe

  5. love sarah plain and tall... and misted green....

  6. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you if you do the same for me ; ) These are very pretty colors!

  7. Lovely! I can just imagine the happy new owners enjoying a beautiful home that was loved by your family.
