Friday, January 31, 2014

checking in on 12 projects for 2014

finished bean bags for a cat sized corn hole game.

also finished curtains for bedroom
two ways: closed for privacy and open for the view

also finished, one blouse

also in progress, quilt

These are certainly some of the simpler projects on my list, but it does feel good to make progress early in the year! How about you? Are you excited about progress you've made this month? Or are you feeling disappointed or discouraged? We can cheer you on. Just let us know if you need a boost.

Check back tomorrow for a very cool February challenge. I'm guessing many of you will want to jump on board (Mumsie and Gretta especially).

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

clementines in an aqua bowl

the slant of winter sunshine.
the sound of the tibetan singing bowl that marks the end of meditation.
the satisfying crunch of home sprouted seeds.
the gentle nudge of henry's forehead while i'm still snug in the darkness of the dawn.
the surge of satisfaction of knocking some of the things off my to-do list.

our days are filled with moments. 
tiny specks in a lifetime.

(and i miss pete seeger already.)

Friday, January 24, 2014

for us

washed, dried and ironed.
cutting and cutting and cutting.

playing off of this:

later this afternoon...
playing around with half square triangles.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

1-18-2014 at 4:03 PM

i think, sometimes, that it's o.k. to say "life is perfect".

Friday, January 17, 2014

patience and seeds and hope and such

crepuscular rays
snow capped, valley misted

Back in Vermont for the long weekend. 
Not enough snow for our annual snowshoeing extravaganza.
Our houseful of guests has not materialized (missing you, friends).

But last night...
Went up to Green Mt Girls Farm to hear Ben Falk speak again (heard him at NOFA-VT last winter).

Became re-inspired as to what we might accomplish here at our "bit of earth".
If you have a farm or homestead, or dream of having one someday, find his book, brew some tea and settle in for a little dose of hope and a big sense of possibility.

This is how he dedicates his book...
For my parents, with gratitude.
And for the generations after me, I hope this helps.

We just placed our order with High Mowing Seeds
Pacifying ourselves a little bit longer.
Waiting patiently for the future to unfold.

...while appreciating what is here in the present moment,
as the sun sets and turns our little living room a gorgeous orange on this winter's afternoon.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

a perfect storm of inspiration

First I saw it made with fabric from Lotta Helleberg.
Then I saw it made with fabric from Bookhou.
Then I found a pattern for it in my brand new issue of Taproot magazine.
Then I went to her website and read this.
Then I remembered one of my plans for 2014.

Do you think that perhaps I was supposed to make this?
I did.
This morning.
I made a large, and it is large.
I went off script and played with the bias tape at the neckline a bit.

Next time I will make it l-o-n-g-e-r. 
Because I am t-a-l-l.
And I will change the neckline.
(I have made notes on the pattern).
What a wonderful way to spend a chilly day in my sewing studio.

Oh, I do thank Sonya Philip and her 100 Acts of Sewing.
She has spoken truth to me and it resonates so beautifully with my 2014 word...integrity.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


tropical windowsill
on a frigid morning.

warmth of color, texture and of possibilities.

Monday, January 6, 2014

florets and cubes and integrity

This recipe for a Winter Abundance Bowl called my name the minute I saw it. Sarah Britton authors a wonderful blog, My New Roots, and her post about this recipe is worth a read. Her photos are gorgeous, too.

As I explore the different "neighborhoods" of my word for 2014, I am reminded again of the many aspects of integrity. Nearly every action we take is a chance infused with possibility to make better choices.

So last night I cut, chopped and smelled the colors, textures and scents of humble, healthy ingredients. As I rinsed the lentils and brown rice, their earthiness reminded me of where they had come from...the sweet ground and the farmers who tended their growth. The broccoli and sweet potatoes, fun little florets and small cubes, flirted together in the steamer. The red cabbage bled its gorgeous color onto the cutting board and, oh...the garlic-ginger pumpkin seed filled the  air in the kitchen with its enticing possibilities!

This meal was a delight. Absolutely delicious, nourishing and satisfying. I recommend it to you.

The way we plan menus, shop for food (or grow it ourselves), prepare food, serve it, share it with others, clean up, use leftovers and deal with scrapings, stems and skins is filled with ways to be thoughtful. Every choice we make is an opportunity to match up our values with our actions. To live with integrity.

I won't knock you over the head with this theme all year long, I promise. I do look forward to sharing bits of the journey here, and reading about your work (thanks to those of you have shared your words in Saturday's comments). Anyone else want to hop in?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014 :: integrity

I've not done this before...
but as 2014 spreads out wide and fresh before me,
I've chosen one word to explore for a year.


It partners nicely with my 2014 query over on the sidebar.
How well do I bring my inner life and outer life into wholeness?

According to Wikipedia, INTEGRITY is a concept of
consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, 
principles, expectations and outcomes.


Thank goodness Lindsey gifted me with 
some homemade fuel for this epic journey.

(And I must credit the melodramatic 7 Days horoscope 
and Hannah's encouragement
to include consistent in the equation).

How about you, friends?
Are any of you embracing a word for 2014?
I know Uma is...

Thursday, January 2, 2014

from bean bags to a full size quilt...2014 projects

Last week, these words hopped off the screen 
and burrowed into my psyche.

Stop drifting. Start rowing.
-Roz Savage

So, 2014, I'm putting my oar in the pond...'s a list of 12 sewing projects I'd like to accomplish
 in your wide open 12 months.

Some of these projects are the children of procrastination,
some are filled with aspiration,
some are soooo easy, some have more substance.
  • A queen size quilt, using these gentle grays and some soft companions...perhaps sent out to be quilted by someone with more skill and patience than I have.
  • Some small bean bags to go with a cat sized corn hole game we made for Hannah and her cat Javier several years ago. (BINGO, that's one of the very pathetic procrastination projects).
  • Reopen my Etsy shop, (and add some serious de-stashing fabrics along with handmade crafty things).
  •  Remember this sweater I started a few years ago? True confessions...I made a mistake, tried to overlook is as the wabi in the project and kept on knitting. Then I put it down and avoided it like the plague. This year I am going to pull it out to the mistake and get started again. 
  • Make a blouse or two, with fun embellishments.
  • Make something wonderful with this Golly Bard fabric (below)..some of it was gifted to me, some I bought on sale.
  • Take a beloved, antique and aging woolen blanket and turn it into something that will bring comfort and beauty into our everyday lives.
  • Design, create a pattern and stitch up a small 3-D critter .
  • Paper piece this beauty I found via Red Pepper Quilts.
  • Adjust some very affordable curtains I found at IKEA to fit our bedroom windows.
  • Pull out the indigo dye kit I bought a while back and get a dye pot going.
  • Collaborate with my brother Doug on a silk screening/stitching project.
Feels that way to me.

I'm ready to start rowing!

How about you...
any projects you'd like to try in 2014?