Wednesday, December 17, 2014

these snowy days

It snowed for days. Our power went out for about 40 hours, with no running water, heat or internet. Hooray for our ancient Home Comfort stove! She kept us warm and fed (we even melted snow atop her and used it to flush the toilet!). The neighborhood feels like Narnia...
We had it lucky compared with many others in the state who were out for days and days. There were more crews out working to restore power than when Irene hit a few years back and ripped the state apart.
The other day we went up and over the gap at Breadloaf and down in to Middlebury to do a wee bit of holiday shopping. Vermont is looking so fine in her winter coat of frosted snow.
Sturdy Vermonters do not let much get in their way of their hard work. We stopped by the Green Mountain Girls Farm to catch the tail end of a day of post and beam barn raising. The trickiest part was making sure the road crew and the crane crew co-ordinated the sanding of the road in preparation for the work. The snow laden trees did not help either.
The festive season is upon us and the snow has just made it all the more special. Being here full time, we are able to soak in the beauty and peace of this place. There really is no where else I'd rather be. 

Sending you light and hope and cheer from our "bit of earth". I wish you could stomp some snow off your boots, toss your coat by the door and settle in for some hot cider and a bit of gingerbread...xo


  1. I would LOVE to be there with you---every year I tell my husband I want to spend Christmas in New England. :)

  2. Me too i would love to be there. Wonderful photos. Like paradise........

  3. Oh, I'm wishing we had snow here, too. Flushing the toilets with melted snow... made me laugh and at the same time I was impressed with your cleverness.

    Sending light and hope and cheer from here to you.

  4. Love these pictures of your life in VT. You share peace, joy, and beauty with every post... Merry Christmas!
