Friday, October 23, 2015

Eyes on the Land

Oil on linen panel, "Visual Journal:Johnson Farm," by Susan Abbott
Collage suspended in front of a quilt, by Bonnie Acker
Detail of Bonnie Acker's piece.

On Sunday evening, Batman and I drove through snow squalls to Shelburne Museum for the Vermont Land Trust's Annual Celebration.  A collaboration between the museum, the land trust, some of the folks who have actually conserved their land and a handful of talented local artists, The Eyes on the Land exhibit was filled with gorgeous work inspired by a sense of place. We were lucky to have time after the land trust's annual meeting to wander the gallery filled with rural gems. 

Still fully entrenched in our house reno project, I long for days when we can enjoy the fruits of all this labor. Days when mugs of hot tea and scraps of fabric and paper are scattered across my cutting table and I have uninterrupted time to get back to projects, one or two inspired by this beautiful exhibit in Shelburne.

As the siding goes up the creative days I long for are feeling closer. Patience. Patience.

(Latest home reno update here).


  1. Lovely! The colors in the paintings, the collage and the quilt are so wonderful.

  2. How beautiful!!
    Your hard work and perseverance are going to pay off big time, Karen. I just know it!!! Sending hugs!!

  3. Such a wonderful idea for an exhibition, and 2 artists that you photographed are just stunning. Love the panel of paintings. As a mural it just works so well. And the quilt + collage is just stunning. Some people are just so very clever.
