Wednesday, February 8, 2017

quiet resistance

The confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education.

The U.S. Army's granting of a 30-year easement that will allow the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline to be completed.

The silencing of Senator Elizabeth Warren last night.

There is a pit in the bottom of my stomach.

Seeking refuge from the dark and oppressive storm that is raging in Washington, DC, I have invited some hope and sisterhood into my house today. I've invited the words of Coretta Scott King, the courage of Senator Elizabeth Warren, the frugality of my GrammieLowry, the inspiration of the quilters of Gee's Bend, the wisdom of the women of the Oceti Sakowin Camp and the company of my well-loved Bernina 1080.

I am inspired to RESIST BY MAKING....a very simple, utilitarian project that is infused with memory and strength. 

Check back in a day or two to see what's been under my needle.



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Nan. Hope you are safe and snug today as the snow swirls!

  2. I will check back for sure!! I just bumped into a friend in town and she asked me if I wanted her husbands old jeans - she'd been carrying them around in her car hoping to bump into me. Knowing I love making with well loved toss offs. Gees Bend is a beautiful inspiration! I could use the strength today too!!

  3. Through the vertigo that is behind my eyes, I thought I was viewing meditation cushions. Let each thrust of the needle be a firm commitment to sanity.

    1. Oh no, vertigo! Hope you are feeling better soon. xo

  4. I'm with you, Karen. A quiet resistance, despite the outrageous happenings in our capital. I think the phrase "under my needle" could be a rallying cry for stitchers' resistance! Or a book title! Love it!
    I think I shall sew today, too! Can't wait to see what you are making!
