Tuesday, January 9, 2018

kicking off "tula tuesday" 2018

Back in early August, I snuck away from Vermont for a few days and visited the newlyweds in Washington DC. Lindsey and I had long talked about looking for evidence of women's history in the midst of the testosterone that leaks out of our nation's capital. Since Lindsey and Scott were planning to move to Detroit in September, we hatched our August plan and had great fun on our mission. 

We did spend a morning doing a bit of shopping, and Capital Quilts was on our route. Such a treasure trove of inspiration!  I thumbed through up a copy of Tula Pink's 100 Modern Quilt Blocks and I told Lindsey about my Instagram friend, Jodi over at Palinkasquilts who sewed a square from the book 100 days in a row. And Lindsey gave me a look. A look that said I dare you, Marmie. 

Well. I bought the book. And the book taunted me for months.

Then I finally realized that I really wanted to stitch some of those blocks and I really wanted to frame the sewing as an ongoing commitment. I just couldn't face an every*single*day commitment. So I decided once a week would be just fine. "Tula Tuesday" was hatched! I'll be sewing and posting a picture here every Tuesday in 2018. 
I decided that my very first square needed to be special. The humble 9 patch is one of the oldest quilt squares around, and it's actually quite modern in its simplicity as well. I used some of my homegrown, hand dyed indigo linen and some of my very favorite Liberty of London lawn to sew today's square.

I'll be sewing from my fabric stash and will not buy any new fabric for this project. I hope to include some fabric from old clothing as well. I'm not sure what I'll do with the squares at the end of the year...I'm hoping the process will lead me to a nice finish.
You can read about Tula's City Sampler, 100 Modern Quilt Blocks  here.

Are you making any sort of long term commitment to a creative project? There's some fun inspiration for ongoing projects in the latest Uppercase magazine 

Let us know in the comments!


1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your quilt making karen! The only commitment I have to myself this year is to continue with my healthy lifestyle - not a creative project as such apart from coming up with creative healthy cooking! :)
