Wednesday, July 11, 2018

sharing the neighborhood, carefully

We've been gardening on this land since 2007, many of those years as part-timers. We had not had  a problem with deer until last summer when they got over their shyness and tromped and snacked their way through the rows of veggies. A neighbor told Batman that they have had luck with deterrence by stringing fishing line at the deer's nose level and again at chest level. When they brush up against it, they can feel it but not see it and they become confused and move on. Well, that's the hope.
 On Sunday, Batman fitted some stakes with metal eyelets and we strung them with fishing line.
At the end of one bed, he attached a latch, so that we can open the top line and then step in and out of the garden beds.
Oh. Here's a peek at my Japanese indigo, trying to grow in these dry conditions. We do hate to water, as we are on a well...but days and days without rain has required us to pull out the hose now and then.
This morning, when I drove up the hill from town, these two beauties stepped out from behind our mailbox, wandered across the road and into our neighbor's meadow (as seen in yesterday's post). So, I would say we were just in the nick of time with that project!

It's unusual for me to go down the hill twice in one day, but on my way back up the hill in the afternoon I had to stop my car to let a mama bear and her two cubs cross the road in front of me. I wondered why she didn't disappear into the woods (black bears are very shy). After I drove by, I looked in the rear view mirror, only to spot her third cub run across the road behind me! She was waiting for her wee one to catch up!

I am so very lucky to live in this place where the seasons, the wildlife, the mountains and the quiet pace of life remain such a deep sanctuary for me. I hope by sharing it here on sewandsowlife some of you find a bit of respite too.



  1. Love this! So far, the deeries don't appear in the summertime. Maybe they remember all that deer food we give them in the winter, and leave our plants alone!

  2. Wonderful to live around all that wildlife. It's funny, although there are lots of deer just outside of town, I never see any in town. Back when we lived in Cleveland it was a regular occurrence for deer to stroll down the road.

    So glad to know you're savoring life in your mountain sanctuary.


    1. Thinking of you, Anne, engrossed in your summer gardens! xo

  3. I hope the fishing line works on detouring the deer from your nice garden. Living in the country can present some challenges, but well worth the effort. Drought conditions here in Michigan also. Grateful for the pond water to keep things growing.So enjoy seeing the pictures. I tried to grow indigo, but seeds would not sprout.

    1. Linda, I tried starting indigo from seeds...turns out it's very difficult! Luckily there is a farm nearby that sells seedlings. xo
