Tuesday, July 31, 2018

tula tuesday::week 26::a finished tula quilt

 the front
 the back
some quilting
 in place
the binding

  • This January, I began a year of "Tula Tuesdays", pledging to sew a square a week from Tula Pink's book, City Sampler, 100 Modern Quilt Blocks. You can read about the beginnings here.
  • Soon after I began the project, my inspiration went in two, very different directions. Sometimes I drew my ideas for my weekly block from what was going on around our "bit of earth" that week. Sometimes they came from a sweet book Batman and I found on our wanderings. I decided to  go with the flow and pursue both directions, and waited for the creative muse to lead me wherever she may. A week and a half ago (motivated by Maggie B's upcoming visit), I finished a "grandma quilt". This grandma quilt will stay here at our house, along with the sweet book that inspired it, ready for any wee one who comes to stay for a bit.
  • The inspiration for these blocks came from a sweet children's book, I Wrote You a Note, by Vermont illustrator and author, Lizi Boyd.
  • At first, I tried to be very literal in my interpretation of the illustrations. I loved some of those blocks, but I realized that I did not like the aesthetic that was developing. So, those blocks were sewn into the back of the quilt. Once I relaxed and chose fabrics that created the feel of the illustrations, I sewed like gangbusters. 
  • As I pledged at the beginning of the year, I did not buy any new fabric for the squares. I did, however, buy new fabric for the "dashing" or "lattice", for the backing and for the binding. My cousin Kristen and I took a fun road trip to Waterwheel House Quilts to find the teal and turquoise and grey. (Kristen was very patient while I auditioned many fabrics. Customers at the shop also added their advice, which was such fun).
  • I sewed the binding by machine, using a tutorial by Crazy Mom Quilts. This was the second time I've used her tutorial, and it was definitely easier the second time around.
  • I still need to make a label for the quilt, but otherwise this one is done and I'm ready to get back to sewing blocks inspired by our "bit of earth".
We did have a wonderful week with all four kids, spouses and grand baby Maggie here.  I'm re-fortified by love, and just in time...

This morning, with the news that anyone can now legally make a gun with a 3D printer is the last straw for me. 

As I understand it, there are only two things in this world. Things that we have control over, and things that we do not. I am concentrating my energy on the things I have control over and I am not giving energy to the rest. 

Oh, I see you, nasty realities. But I am not giving you the time of day.

There are baby bonnets to sew, a garden to tend, volunteer work to do and so many other productive endeavors...life affirming things to do...

So, friends, let us carry on.  

Peace, love and hope to each of you, kindred spirits.



  1. Love this quilt!

    Technology -- blessing or curse?

  2. I've been looking forward to seeing your finished project and it is as beautiful as each block promised.

    1. this makes me so happy! thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. xo

  3. This quilt will be treasured - so many stories and colors, shapes and patterns to occupy your Maggie B's imagination. As for upsetting realities, I'm with you, my friend. Let us carry on in peace and hope. xo
