Friday, October 12, 2018

pausing on the road

sometimes these grey days feel like a gift.

after a day filled with meetings in barre,
i drove up the hill, shrouded in fog.
i was tired, my mind was racing.

at the meetinghouse i pulled over, 
got out and stretched and took some deep breaths.

the air was dense with moisture,
the colors, muted.

there was spaciousness in that moment.


how often we forget what a magical shift in energy
we can create 
in just a few, carefully crafted moments. 


  1. Would love a copy of this photo! A hint of our favorite season just waking from a restorative and dreamy nap, totally unselfconscious and unspoiled by realities outside of herself. An intimate moment this. thanks for the gift of this today, Karen.

  2. I can almost smell the cool moisture in the air. Beautiful photo. Thanks for sharing the moment.
