Saturday, January 19, 2019

sewandsowlife is 10 years old...GIVEAWAY

Can it really be 10 years since I sat down and pulled these words from the ether...

Life can sometimes be a wrestling match between love and fear. We can CHOOSE which to embrace. Every day. On my "to do" list? Breathe, hope, notice, invite, love, create, wonder, celebrate.

I've never been sure if I write here for myself or for the occasional reader who wanders in. In any case, I thank you, dear readers, for coming by, leaving lovely comments and sending thoughtful e-mails. You all do make the world a bit brighter and more hopeful with your presence here.

For the next month or so, I'll be hosting occasional giveaways, just to share a bit of sewandsowlife cheer. Today, I'm offering this "treasure bag"*. I'm happy to ship this one internationally, so don't be shy. Leave a comment below or shoot me an e-mail if you would like a chance at having this bag land at your home. Please just let me know of one thing you would like to read more of here at sewandsowlife as we move into the second decade(!) together. Sewing? Gardening? Dyeing? Musings? Wilma and Corazón? Poetry? Something else? Thank you so much for making the time to share your thoughts with me.

The snow has just begun here at our  "a bit of earth" and as you have probably heard, we are in for quite the snowfall. I really hope we don't lose our power, but just in case, I'll wait until Thursday, January 24th to pick a winner. 

* the treasure bag is stitched with a pattern by projectsbyjane and you can find it here. I added the flying geese panel, so you can see how easy it is to customize the bag to your own whims.

You are, each of you, shining lights in the world. Thank you for being you.


  1. Was it an unconscious urge for spring that you choose to sew your geese heading north????
    Lovely little treasure bag.
    Suggestions for the next decade? Your blog posts have been a healthy, varied diet for our malnourished souls. We've gained so much eating at SewandSow's table, I see no reason to change a thing.

  2. I couldn't agree with Sharon more. You have a wonderful smorgasbord here.

  3. I can't believe you have been blogging ten years. I don't know when I discovered you, or how, but I'm glad I did. Solace is what your writing gives me, time after time.

  4. Happy Birthday Sew and Sow Life, and how wonderful to have a snippets of your life recorded over a decade. Over the years of have been reading your blog (there was quite a bit of time between reading and having the courage to comment), I have passed on your opening quote, and indeed links to your blog, to a number of people in need of solace or encouragement. So ditto to Sharon's comment, why change a thing? Here's to another 10 years.

  5. All of your posts are so thoughtful and inspiring as you share beauty, hope, a sense of and peace and delight. I appreciate your words of wisdom and love the photos of your bit of earth in all seasons and your cats are so endearing.
    Can't get over how they bonded. (We never had that when we had multiple cats.)
    Keep doing what you are doing...looking forward to more and more....

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