Monday, May 11, 2009

seedlings, antwerp station and accountability!

Peter and Gretta dug the holes at our place in Vermont in April...and Peter and Lindsey planted these Fraser Fir seedlings (almost 100!) this past weekend. With 6 acres of beautiful balsams, Peter decided we need to diversify the crop by planting Frasers where other trees have been harvested. Just smart stewardship.
Many thanks to Lindsey for driving up from Boston to lend her Papa a hand. Once they got back home to MA and CT, the younger and the older were both feeling a bit stiff and sore last night! Good work.

And here's something my Mumsie forwarded to me. It's pretty sweet. Thanks, Mom.

Looks like a near perfect forecast for the week ahead. I'm going to work hard at making the most of it...walking for fitness, eating "clean", and being more efficient in my studio. (So now I am accountable!). 


  1. 100! and I complain when I have to plant out a few daffodil bulbs!

  2. This is amazing, Karen!
    What a beautiful scene and how wonderfully your family works together!
    Also, love your blog banner!!

  3. If work can be fun, why not, eh?
