Thursday, April 5, 2012

a sampler of blessings

our sweat equity in action

Even those of us who aspire to be stalwart in these modern times can feel a bit overwhelmed. Whenever I sense that I might be sucked into the vortex of despair, I try to remember to "THINK GLOBALLY AND ACT LOCALLY". Sometimes it's the only way I stay sane.

But even acting locally can be challenging, especially when it comes to our house projects/aspirations for the future. The sweat equity check list for this real estate venture has been pretty daunting lately. The actual projects, the uncertainty of the market (real estate and financial markets, both), Batman's career, our timeline, our energy...sometimes it feels like an uphill climb...even though the dream is so clear

Enter the Reed children. Yes, all four of them have brought me back to the richness and fullness of my life. And brought me a huge dose of renewed energy and hope. 

  • Stew and Dawn had been thinking about buying a condo, but now they are thinking about a little house. Am I sad that they are putting down deeper roots on the other side of the country? Absolutely. But if I knew that they had a wee bit of yard to garden in, and a place with some character, to fix up, well, that makes a big difference. That is more of who they are. Let's send them some good luck wishes, eh?
  • And Lindsey...she inspires me every time we talk together. She is an amazing community her job, with her ever expanding group of friends, and with our beloved family, too. She reminds me of the importance of relationships. Cherishing old ones and being open to new ones.
  • Then there's Gretta, our youngest and the "exclamation point at the end of our family". Dreaming big and staying focused on her future. The two of us get a little nutters together. We just had this text exchange:
Gretta :Had a dream that I helped two troubled teens give up a life of crime for goat farming. Oy.
Me: Yesterday I had a dream that I was wearing a dress made of spinach!
Me: Yay! xo

  • And, saving the best bit of news for last, after spending the bulk of the last six years in the mid west, Hannah is moving back a wonderful new teaching position, very close to us here in CT!  We are delighted that we'll have her smile, her energy and her love so close by. Getting through this last last year of house rehab and de-cluttering has taken on a whole new feeling. 
I've also been invited to take on a big, meaningful task on one of the boards that I serve on, giving me yet  another opportunity to exercise my brain and learn. Me? Really? Lucky. And another blessing, while we're counting!

It's taking so, so long for us to actualize such a clear and cherished vision/hope/dream. Sometimes it feels like forever. In the last few days, I have been reminded that we can be replenished and supported. Our hope can be restored. And counting our blessings can be a powerful exercise.

How about you? Have your eyes glazed over here? Or do you have your own story to tell? Please do!


  1. Life is so full of blessings. I'm happy so many wonderful ones are coming into being for you:)

  2. My eyes are not glazed over; it's wonderful to hear good news and that all is well with your family!

  3. Grace arrives as a soft kiss, a crushing hug, a familiar melody, always as the soul needs. Joy abundant.
    Wishing you the gift of plenteous redemption this holy week and easter.
