Saturday, March 16, 2013

the reinforcements have arrived!

I picked Lindsey up at the train station this morning
and when we got home we put a roller in her hands.
Here's Hannah working on a shelf and Shaker pegs.
Gretta is putting the finishing touches on a closet
 door that was missed first time around.
We're starting to think about staging and so 
we brought the dollhouse down from the attic.
My Dad made this for Lindsey when she was 
a very little girl,
the same Christmas that he made
 the curio cupboard for Stewart.
The tiny autumn leaves he painted on the roof 
of the house get to me every time I see them.
Batman served as foreman today,
working a bit, and then taking an after lunch siesta.

It's been flurrying all day long.
The snowdrops are up in the garden and
the hellebores are showing signs of life.

Tonight we'll all have tacos and Margaritas.
It's good to have the high energy 
of the Reed girls back in the house. 
Many hands make light work.


  1. Your place is looking wonderful Karen. Waaay less cluttered than ours. This week J is digging into the kitchen. We have to build a simple cabinet where the (ugly) portable dishwasher was and then the 1970's eta formica countertops are getting ripped off and replaced with unpolished gray tiles. There's also a new Ikea sink (white ceramic) and faucet and the walls will be gray too. Meanwhile I continue to haul things out of the's a ridiculous amount of work!

  2. Wow, those girls know are full of energy. Even here in France you can feel their enthusiasm ! Enjoy your days together!!! I am sure this will help Batman to feel better...

  3. Some family is going to be so very lucky to find such a lovely home to make their own. Kudos to you all for doing so much thoughtful planning and work.

  4. I love the doll house, what a wonderful thing :)

  5. Not sure what I envy most, having your girls around you or being in on the house prep action. Jerome has been handling all the work at our city house without me, realtor coming today for some strategizing. I'm at the farm unable to sneak away for a few days due to rearranging snow and keeping the chickens water changed because it's so cold here.
    Your work looks as if it's going extremely well. Nice that the girls were there to make it seem like fun and that Batman could participate.
