Saturday, November 9, 2013


I "met" Jamie through Margie, a mutual friend soon after I started writing this blog (years ago).  Jamie posts over at Mommy Hungry . I have loved reading about her life with her sweet family. Jamie muses about a full range of things...history, food, spirituality, field trips, relatives, raising twins...

As I struggled recently with postponing our dreams of moving to Vermont full time, you, dear readers, softened the blow with your kind comments. Each one of you helped me feel supported at a time when I was feeling pretty glum.

Jamie's comment was simple and brought tears to my eyes. She made a gesture that I will always remember. Sweet and simple, she wrote:

"Hugs . . . can I take you to lunch at Bloodroot as a condolence? Perhaps in November? :)" 

Yesterday, we met up at Bloodroot, for lunch and conversation. (Did we converse! For several hours!) I so enjoyed getting to know Jamie in person. 

Before I left the house to meet Jamie, I stitched this little sachet for her, filled with dried balsam needles from the trees at our bit of earth in Vermont. I wanted to make a gesture...of appreciation, of respect, of friendship.

These little gestures connect us one to the other, and make a difference in our lives and in the world we create every day.

Namaste Margie and Jamie and you, too, dear readers.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Karen, your gesture was most appreciated, as are you. :)
