Wednesday, November 13, 2013

snow and frost...inside and outside

Nov 9. The sky hangs thin and wet on its clothesline.

Nov12. ...I sometimes take hold of the cold porcelain knob of the moon, and turn it...

Nov 13. A curled, brown leaf lies on its back, lifting its undistinguished edges into the glory of frost.

-All from Winter Morning Walks: one hundred postcards to Jim Harrison, by Ted Kooser

Some of us are reading along with the dated poems in this lovely work. Maybe these snippets will draw you in to join us. I love Kooser's words so much that I have to keep myself from reading ahead. Instead, I reread and savor each one several times a day.
a few stitches
It seems very fitting that the dated poems in Kooser's book began around the same time as our first snowfall here in CT. Serendipity. I like that.


  1. oh I love Kooser
    may just check it out
    it has begun...this seasonal shift

  2. Karen, I never did get to this today -
    "a curled, brown leaf [from another "woods"] edges
    into the glory of [Robert] frost."
    thanks for an awesome visit and for introducing me to kooser. xoxo the queen commissioner guerilla "gemma"

  3. the patch of fabric on that towel is super cute.

  4. These snippets are lovely. I MUST get this book!

  5. Lovely!

    And thanks for the book suggestion. Adding it to my library list. :)
