Thursday, November 14, 2013

techie tidbit bag

all of this...
fits into this.
(which i wrote about the first month i started this blog.
it's stood up well over the years!)
it's a grab-and-go bag for all my techie tidbits...
ready to go to a board meeting in indiana,
a quick trip to vermont, or just an afternoon at the library.
everything all in one place.
no searching all over the house for this charger or that.

one of my favorite people
 visited recently and left some of her own techie tidbits behind...
requiring a trip on my part to the post office for their 
safe return to said visitor. 
so, here's a newer version of the grab-and-go bag,
made with wool felt and an old scrap of liberty of london fabric.
it was a snap to make, with no lining or 
fussiness when putting the zipper in.
 it will arrive in a certain mailbox sometime today...
you know who you are.



  1. Ooooo - I love the wool felt, Karen!! Now your friend will have her technology all in one place too!! Lovely gift!!

  2. Wool felt -- what an excellent addition to a great idea. Easy on the high tech screens as well!
