Sunday, May 17, 2009

coming along nicely

I am keeping up with Amandajean at crazymomquilts. 
I may even be a day or two ahead.

I made a few squares with pinks and yellows, but have decided to stick with 
these blues and greens for now. 
May move into aquas and or lavenders...

What a sentimental journey this has been. 
One square is made with fabric from a skirt and jacket set
 my Mom made for me when I was "little".
One with a piece of fabric scraps from the peasant blouse I was wearing
when Peter and I met.
Old kitchen curtains, maternity dresses, 
the quilt I made for Peter when we were still in college,
Baby clothes, dolly dresses.

I feel like Laura and her family in the little house on the prairie.

I'm actually toying with the idea of making a 
companion piece to go with this quilt...a collage with as many 
photos of these items as I can put my hands on.
Wouldn't that be fun?


  1. Very pretty and how wonderful to have all these special fabrics to work with! The idea of a companion piece with photos sounds terrific!

  2. This is such a cool project...and yours is way prettier than most scrap quilts end up being. A lot of the scraps that i would use from clothing that my sister and i made in junior high are pretty hideous (that 70s look that is so "retro" and popular again) while i do have some scraps of Marimekko that are pretty nice...hmmmm. I have that fabric with the Escher-like birds!! I like your photo montage idea, too....although maybe you might intersperse them in amongst the nine patches??
