inhale...exhale...relax your shoulders...repeat as often as needed

Monday, June 29, 2009

to gaze or to sew, that is the question...

Here's my sewing set up,
hampered only by the ongoing mist and rain.
I had a beloved chambray dress that I finally retired.
I cut the skirt into squares and stitched them together, 
alternating with squares cut from 
a stack of flannel fat quarters.
see top photo 
By tomorrow it will be a quilt top.
And I have sketches to "upcycle" the bodice into a tunic, 
via the addition of other fabrics from my stash back in CT.
(a fall project).



  1. What a fabulous view from your window, it must be such a pleasue to sit and sew there all day long to your hearts content... Bliss.....

  2. Beautiful inspiration! Keep swimming :-)


  3. what a lovely (and neat!) sewing spot! does Henry get to sit up on the table while you're sewing? the quilt top looks like it will be very comfortable and calming in its colors. I made something that looks very similar for my friend Melody's son Dylan from brushed cottons and flannel as a baby quilt...ahem...he's now in second grade ?! and it's still not quilted.

  4. What a nice spot for sewing, Karen!
    At least the rain gives a good reason to sit and sew! I have been making some house improvements with Bill, so little sewing going on here!
    Thanks for commenting on my blog!

  5. Such a dreamy view to have while working on your projects! Good luck with everything!

  6. Thanks all! Wish you could join me in VT for a cup of tea!
