inhale...exhale...relax your shoulders...repeat as often as needed

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

under the sky

black construction paper, crescent cut out.

On Friday night, I was captivated by the sliver of a crescent moon in the early evening sky. My thoughts wandered to all the people in Egypt, yearning for better lives, under that same crescent moon. 

And I thought of the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Rabbit, characterized by tranquility.

From the beginning of time we have planned our festivals, celebrations, plantings and lives around the phases of the moon and the cycles of the sun. We may be divided by our many differences, but we all live under that very same sun and moon. The sky is a neighborhood we all share. And that, somehow, is a comfort to me.


  1. tranquility...comfort...yearning for better lives...let's celebrate our common desires and let our differences assume the lesser status they deserve

  2. I like your comment, Karen, about sharing the sky..... very poignant.

  3. Beautiful thoughts:) I couldn't agree more.

  4. Echo, echo, echo.... I love the sentiment that the sky is a neighborhood we all share.

  5. Trust you to find a comforting thought in this difficult time...lovely image of us all as neighbors under the same sky!

  6. 'we all live under that very same sun and moon. The sky is a neighborhood we all share. And that, somehow, is a comfort to me...' I appreciate these thoughts very much.

  7. Very beautiful thoughts indeed! I think I would like to read more from you.

  8. So inspiring, I gave you one of my weekly awards which you can collect anytime.

    Happy blogging!

  9. The "goddess" sent me! Love your take on the heavenly bodies!

    I even carry it further in my mind, that there is no difference in time (time zones, etc.) because it is NOW! the same moment. So, darkness and light, so what?

    (Sort of tongue-in-cheek!)
