inhale...exhale...relax your shoulders...repeat as often as needed

Monday, April 20, 2020

april stitching

 crayon pouches for maggie,
stitched with denim from old jeans, and bug fabric leftover
from a project from about 22 years ago. 
a zippered pouch made for a friend's birthday.
the zipper pull was cut from scraps I snagged from the floor 
of the vermont glove factory in 2018.

(read about how sam has pivoted
and how some of us have been pitching in, here)
(see the connection between the glove factory and
the governor of vermont here).
i had to go "shopping" in our pantry to
find a few goodies to put in it. 
"spring fever" pillow for the living room, sewn
from my stash and backed with the front of one of batman's 
old shirts...sometimes a  button placket works better than a zipper. 
this faded chickadee was cut from a very old
linen calendar tea towel.
1978 to be exact.
the year i graduated from college.

fabric, thread, scissors, pins
my beloved bernina.



  1. Your creativity shines! Making and giving to others is the best therapy during a crisis. Enjoying your postings. Love that pillow.
