the blustery, wild winds last night pushed in a mild and sunny day.

it doesn't feel like early december...

henry snickerdoodle has taken up one of his
favorite winter spots anyway.

gretta and i will have leftovers from moosewood for lunch...

giving me plenty more time to work on gifts.
this one using up precious vintage scraps...

this had faded to nothing,
but a rest in the dark coolness of the garage and a bit
of fertilizer brought it back.
it was a gift from a friend years ago, and it travelled
all the way from illinois when we moved east,
so i'm glad it came back.
and i found the perfect words this morning,
for a very tough situation.
He prayed as he breathed, forming no words
and making no specific requests,
only holding in his heart,
like broken birds in cupped hands,
all those people who were in stress or grief.
-Ellis Peters