inhale...exhale...relax your shoulders...repeat as often as needed

Thursday, January 17, 2019

sunset, mary and moose

After doing some errands down in town the other day,  I pulled into our driveway and noticed that the light of the sunset had been caught in the windows of our dark house. It took my breath away.  

How many times in my 62 years have I been captured and renewed by the beauty of the moment? 

So many times that I have finally come to recognize it as one of the wellsprings of my spiritual life.


Being in the moment.

I love the simplicity of it. 

No special building required. No sacred texts. No anointed person up front. 

Just a simple awareness of  and appreciation for what is right in front of us.

I often feel supported in my spiritual life by poets. Today I actually got a bit weepy when I heard that one of my very favorites has passed away, beyond this mortal life. I feel like a Light has gone out, the energy in my circle of support has shifted. I am bereft. We have her words in the many volumes of poetry she has written, but now she is gone. Mary Oliver, you were loved by so many in this world.

P.S. As I was writing this post a most amazing thing happened and I want to share it with you here. My computer desk is perched near a window at the top of our house, with a beautiful 180 degree view of the Braintree Range of the Green Mountains. As I sat typing, a movement in the yard caught my eye. I looked out and watched in wonder as a male and female moose trotted along our property line. I hopped up, threw on my boots and jacket and went out to find their tracks.
The pair had come down out of the woods above us, through our neighbor's meadow, across the road, across our driveway and down through our side yard, through our meadow and down into our lower neighbor's woods.

What an extraordinary thing to see!

Maybe it was a tribute to Mary.



  1. Mary Oliver's gift of words, will always keep her near. What a special moment to witness the roaming of the moose couple. Sacredness in everyday life.

    1. Yes Linda, it has been such a comfort to see her words quoted by so many since her death. xo

  2. Maybe she sent them. So very sad about this. She felt like a friend to me.

  3. The many guises of grace: life support in the shape of poetry, snow calligraphy, illumination reflected into the darkness. Sipping at the well of abundance.
    And now we have as well because of you, Karen. many thanks.

    1. Ah, Sharon, you are so very generous with your love. xo

  4. Maybe it was a tribute to Mary. I, too, find myself refreshed by seeing things, details, that are beautiful, that taken together, make up the wonders of this world.
