inhale...exhale...relax your shoulders...repeat as often as needed

Monday, April 26, 2010


despite my efforts to tidy up, declutter and find calm,
sometimes it just gets messy.
 i'm not sure if the messiness helps or hinders
the creative process.
how does it work at your house?


  1. While I'm working, mess is good. I'm surrounded by what I'm doing. Immersed.

    When I'm not working, mess distracts me. Since my own thoughts do that well enough by themselves, I work best with the clutter cleared (or piled or moved out of the line of sight!).

  2. Hindrance!!! When I am trying to sit down at my desk to work and there are glasses of water, notebooks, t-shirts, and jewelry scattered about, it makes it hard to get down to business. I look forward to having time in the future to keep my life a bit more organized.

  3. Clutter -- oh, no no -- can't think straight if I'm surrounded by clutter.

  4. When my work room gets too messy, it drives me crazy. When it is clean, I am happy. I can begin something better when all is tidy. The mess can become such a distraction that I spend my time cleaning up rather than creating. Usually, I try to clean as I go. I do the same when cooking - I wash pots and pans as I use them so they don't pile up.

  5. definitely hinders! but that doesn't stop me from making a huge mess. having a mess to start with does distract me, and sometimes I do like Lovely World and I'll start cleaning instead of making.

  6. To me, messiness is a necessary component of creativity. I can make a huge mess while doing the tiniest project. The important thing, for me, is to put things away when I'm done! In an ideal world, I'd have a tranquil, neat studio. But realistically, I'm happy if I can find my tools when I need them, as as well as a flat surface to work on. Sometimes good enough is good enough!

  7. I think messiness is essential to the creative process- of course ver ything in moderation. If you're too picky about everything in it's right spot then your lose concentration on the real task at hand- creating! xo m.

  8. My new work schedule means four days for the apartment to get completely out of control, and then three to put things back in order. I am trying to prepare enough so that when my next "weekend" arrives I won't have so much to tidy!

  9. I am a planner and therefore do not like clutter. Clutter has always been one of my pet peeves. My husband on the other hand functions quite nicely among clutter and seems to have no problem at all finding things. We've resolved this conflict by him having his 5 bay shop and I have my sewing studio, everything else is neutral territory. LOL
