inhale...exhale...relax your shoulders...repeat as often as needed

Thursday, August 31, 2017

good riddance august

don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out.

(what a cluster cuss of things to deal with--
and poor texas!!!!)

looking forward to a completely fresh outlook...
and better luck... in september.

see you on the flip side, dear readers.


  1. I'm still very proud of that birch pot find. Looks lovely with your wall hanging! xo Gretta

  2. I can truly say this was one of the worst August's I have ever encountered! Let's hope September is better for us all. :)

  3. I do love the little quilt in your picture. Here's to much better times ahead.

  4. Love that wall hanging - will you share a photo of the whole piece? I always find September refreshing and a new start - maybe because of my years of teaching. New pencils and a clean slate! xo
