inhale...exhale...relax your shoulders...repeat as often as needed

Thursday, August 20, 2020

managing and navigating

 sunset on tuesday.
 sunset on wednesday.
  foggy morning, 
looking over to the white mountains in new hampshire from
the road along the ridge. 
weaving with string that is too thick.
will be trying thinner string this afternoon.

getting to know danica boyce over at fairfolkcast
still curious about what it's all about.
swooning over the embroidery of amanda cobbett over here.

 i feel my   
my heart going deeper into the natural world,
collecting scavenged bits of things,
finding solace and comfort and groundedness
in bark, feathers, twigs, blooms.
walking barefoot, looking up at the clouds, 
listening to the birds and bugs.
noticing dew on the cobwebs, and the hush at dusk.

a quiet mug of tea as the day starts,
stretching on the deck with deep inhales and exhales.

sitting on the brink of the hill with batman 
as the late afternoon slips into the early evening,
digesting the day,
collaborating on what to have for supper,
closing up the hoop house,
checking the mailbox.

doing what we can to manage 
how we navigate this odd world we are living in.

hope you are safe and well, friends.