inhale...exhale...relax your shoulders...repeat as often as needed

Sunday, October 14, 2012

our october retreat

-brilliance in the blue of the sky, the leaves in the trees, the marigolds and pumpkins in the garden.
-coyotes singing along the ridge.
-flurries in the air.
-nasturtiums, picked before the first hard frost of the season, when their stems turned to a pungent mush.
-tarps and tarps full of fallen and raked leaves, dragged to the deep woods by the stone wall.
-a glass of cider, savored while sitting on the picnic table.
-the canoe, the rain barrel and the garden hoses, tucked away until next spring.
-closets cleaned and reorganized.
-muffins filled with local blueberries from the freezer.
-swapping out the screens for the storm door on the three season porch.
-howling wind at night, while snug under the pile of blankets and quilt, with Henry asleep in the mix.

-our old friend, oatmeal, sprinkled with pecans, dried cranberries and puddled with almond milk.
-the last of the carrots, forked out of the soil, and chard tucked into the produce drawer in the fridge.
-paper rolls of drawings and plans, spread out on the dining table, dreams in the making.
-candle light.
-mulching the peonies and the blueberry bushes, and wishing them a safe winter's rest.
-a drive up and over the Rochester Gap for lattes and comfortable and familiar conversation.
-always, a fire in the Home Comfort, to take away the chill.
-pulling over to the side of the road in the late afternoon, to cast a few on the White River. (The best way to be out of the office).
-blessings. so many blessings.


  1. Been away far too long from your blog and your reminders of all our blessings....

  2. ditto sharon. tqoe

  3. Yes there are ....I also have so many blessings.
    Thanks for your post!

  4. Why do I feel so comforted, reading about YOUR life, Karen? You inspire me to look at the blessings in my own. Thank you.
