inhale...exhale...relax your shoulders...repeat as often as needed

Friday, September 3, 2010

handmade goodness

as i sat at my sewing machine this morning,
i watched the haze thicken over the mountains
and the thunderheads build.

i'm working on a few gifts...

remember the handmade pledge?
buying handmade over at etsy,
shopping at local craft and art fairs,
or fair trade shops,
or making your own gifts...

there are so many opportunities to change the way we consume.
and we can bring more of the human spirit into our homes and lives.

do you have a favorite source for handmade items?


  1. You are my favorite source of handmade items.

  2. Oh, Gretta's comment is so sweet!
    I love a good craft fair and, etsy and, most of all, gifts made by friends.

  3. Oh shoot, Gretta stole my line!

    So grateful for the handmade cards in my mailbox and the beautiful sunflower via blog-land.

    Love you Reed,

  4. Oh, pretty fabric on the sewing machine bed! My favorite source of handmade items *for* friends is me *g*...also like to give from talented people i've met on the internet who are set up for online sales, like Nan of . And favorite gifts *from* friends are made by them or picked up from craft fairs or quilt shows.
