inhale...exhale...relax your shoulders...repeat as often as needed

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

eventide gratitude

Thank-you, Great Grandfather Strength, for pushing these ancient Green Mountains up out of your belly.
Thank-you, Great Grandmother Earth, for covering this ground with your fertile dirt and leaves and worms.

Thank-you, Mother Sky, for freshening the air and bringing the rain.
Thank-you Father Sun, for shining down on this land.

Thank-you, Uncle Seasons, for bringing the changes that fuel the rhythms.
Thank-you, Auntie Fauna, for bringing the birds to sing in these branches.

Thank-you, Mountain Man Reg, for planting these apple trees.
And thank-you, Batman and Lindsey, for bringing these trees back with your TLC.

As I cut into this tartest of apples tonight, I appreciate all that brought me to this exquisite moment.