inhale...exhale...relax your shoulders...repeat as often as needed

Sunday, March 10, 2013

keeping it simple

bowl by two potters in vermont.
snow drop by mother nature.

  • we sprang forward. :-)
  • gretta and i have been painting furniture. i'll post before and after pictures later this week.
  • we've planned the week's menus to be sure we are eating clean food. thinking ahead seems to make meal prep a little easier.
  • batman continues to rest and heal and improve, but one of his ears is bigger than the other right now. *giggle (all three of us)* 
  • new internet haunts of mine... fabulous embroidery. gorgeous linen. beautiful food.
  • i just bought this on etsy. made of birch and oak, it will help me remember to keep my eye on the prize.
  • i signed up for the second handmade joy exchange. i participated last year. won't you join us this year? there's still time...
  • my friend, the queen of everything, became a grandma on tuesday. little blake shares a birthday with gretta. xo
  • my buddy potts is due to become a grandma in august. oh, that will be a dear child.
  • i continue to keep dr. kveton on my gratitude list. 
how about you? what has caught your eye lately? share a link or two...


  1. So glad Peter is resting and improving, and that Gretta is there with you. Beautiful links and happy life events! What more can we wish for? xo

  2. Great list! Glad to hear things are still going well!

    Thanks for the plug. :)
