As 2010 dwindles to a close, I want to thank you all, dear blog readers.
Thank you for your sweet and thoughtful comments. Thank you for your encouragement and your feedback. I have loved meeting a few of you in person this year and sharing snail mail and e-mails with some of you, too. Your generosity of spirit warms my heart.
And I want to thank the many of you who write blogs. I love following some of you as a daily habit. I love stumbling newly upon some of you, and being delighted by what I find.
I read about sewing, crafting, knitting, parenting, books, spirituality, sustainability, farming and gardening. I love seeing your photos! Reading about your struggles and stumbles and your discoveries and triumphs convince me that we are, in fact, all connected in very real ways.
I am inspired by each and every one of you and I thank you for sharing your lives with me.
Best wishes to all of you for a safe and wonder-filled new year!